Welcome to Postagemaster, your ultimate shipping advisor! Our mission is to simplify shipping for businesses and individuals.
Our Story
Postagemaster was founded in 2017 by Nic Smith, an e-commerce merchant frustrated by the complexities of navigating shipping carriers, rates, labels, and logistics. After years of shipping headaches, Nic decided to create a platform to help other sellers and shippers make sense of mailing and delivery services.
Our team combines expertise across:
- Ecommerce sellers – We’ve sold on eBay, Etsy, Amazon and Shopify
- Warehouse managers – Managed inventory and shipping for multi-channel businesses
- Customer service – Handled shipping questions, issues and claims
With over 50 years of combined shipping experience, we understand pain points and how to solve them!
Our Mission
The mission of Postagemaster is to:
- Help individuals and businesses pick the best shipping carriers and services for their needs
- Provide guidance on optimizing packaging and reducing costs
- Offer solutions to common shipping problems like lost packages, incorrect addresses etc.
- Simplify the mailing and delivery process for shippers of all sizes and experience levels
“Postagemaster is your ally in the world of shipping. We’ve got your back!”
Meet The Team
Our team includes:
- Nic Smith, Founder and E-commerce Shipping Expert
- Ericka Aubrie, Customer Service and Claims Specialist
- Bob Wilson, Warehouse and Inventory Manager
Name | Title | Experience |
Nic Smith | Founder | 10 years ecommerce |
Jane Smith | Customer Service | 5 years shipping CS |
Bob Wilson | Warehouse Manager | 15 years logistics |